Mediation as an alternative method in dispute resolution is gaining ground and is often included in commercial contracts as a first step in dispute resolution. There are no formal qualifications for mediators, but it is advisable to use mediators who have received training in mediation.
The Cape Bar has members who are mediators and who are accredited with various mediation organizations. These members, when they act as mediators, remain subject to the GCB Rules of Ethics.
- An updated list of Arbitrators is available here
- Members who have indicated that they are willing to act as arbitrators at a rate of less than R15 000 per day, are available here.
- Members who indicated their willingness to be appointed as Parenting Co-ordinators are available here
- We are in the process of updating the list of Mediators. For now, please use this list
Request for the Chairperson to appoint an arbitrator, parenting co-ordinator or referee
Please note that a request to the Chairperson [available here] for the appointment of an arbitrator, facilitator or referee must be directed to The request must include all relevant documentation (such as inter alia a letter providing a detailed background to the dispute and a complete copy of the agreement) making specific reference to the clauses which refer to the appointment of an arbitrator/facilitator/
A request for the appointment of an arbitrator must be submitted by an attorney, not a member of the public.
Clause 27.3 of the LPC Code of Conduct for All Legal Practitioners reads as follows:
“Counsel who act as arbitrators or umpires shall do so only on receipt of a brief from the parties’ attorneys, or on receipt of instructions from an arbitration body.”